Project Background

Rain showers cause groundwater to collect on roadways and low-lying areas. Storm sewer systems prevent these areas from flooding by collecting the water and diverting it to natural streams, rivers and lakes. Originally, the Green #4 Consolidated Drain was part of seven different drains: Branch #4 of the Green Drain; West Delhi Drain; Erter Drain; Aurelius Decamp Drain; Cassdav Branch of the Aurelius-Decamp Drain; Elm Street Drain; and the West Delhi Drain. Some portions of these drains date back more than a century. Improvements were made in 2013 to consolidate these systems and provide an organized infrastructure for administration and maintenance.

The Green #4 Consolidated Drain is currently an enclosed storm sewer system that collects stormwater runoff in Delhi Charter Township and routes it along Holt Road, through the Holt Shopping Center along Cedar Street and then outlets into the Green Drain at Park Lane and Bond Avenue.

Water runs downhill and collects in the lowest lying areas. All water in a specific area will run to the lowest point where it is dumped into a drain. This specific area is known as a drainage district. The Green #4 Consolidated Drain Drainage District itself is more than 190 acres in size and contains 473 properties that are a mix of residential and commercial uses.  It covers an area along Holt Road from Dean Avenue, east to Park Avenue, as far north as Don Street, and as far south as Sycamore Street. It includes streets like Aurelius Road, Adelpha Avenue, DeCamp Street, and Elm Street.

The Green #4 Consolidated Drain is a sub-watershed within the Sycamore Creek Watershed, which contributes to the Red Cedar River Watershed.